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Group Fx Limited评论

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IC Markets - Leading Forex CFD Provider Legal: This website is operated by Raw Trading Ltd with business address at HIS Buildings, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles. *Data acquired from an independent third party provider shows our EURUSD spread to be 0.0 pips on average 95% of the time from 01-07-2019 to 31-12-2019 (available for our RAW Spread trading accounts only). Think Markets review and ratings - For traders assigned to the UK-registered entity, however, the leverage is capped at only 1:30 even for major FX pairs, in accordance with new ESMA regulations. Despite these regulatory limitations, Think Markets is known to accept even EU-based traders with its Bermuda-based entity, which is a nice way for European traders to get access to Lenovo Vantage - 下载

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