TD Ameritrade is not responsible for the content or services this website. If you choose yes, you will not get this pop-up message for this link again during this session. You are now leaving the TD Ameritrade Web site and will enter an unaffiliated third-party website to access its products and its posted services. 新浪财经讯 零售经纪公司TD Ameritrade Holding Corp.(AMTD)准备以6.06亿美元收购thinkorswim Group Inc. (SWIM)。该公司希望通过收购后者来加强其交易业务,为高级 美国TD Ameritrade控股公司(AMTD)旗下的一家经纪自营分公司TD Ameritrade宣布为其thinkorswim®专业的交易平台添加一项名为“Strategy Roller™”的新功能。 该新功能使零售交易者能够通过用户自定义设置,自动运行他们现有的期权持仓量。 TD Ameritrade交 2009年1月7日,TD Ameritrade以约6.06亿美金收购Thinkorswim Group Inc. (原NASDAQ:SWIM),包含旗下的INVESTools Investor Education部门; 2017年9月,TD Ameritrade收购 Scottrade ; 2018年4月,TD Ameritrade和Havas在比特币区块链中插入了第一个广告; thinkorswim:虽然TD Ameritrade这家券商不支持非美国人开户,但这并不妨碍我们试用其旗下的thinkorswim平台,有兴趣的朋友可以试用下传说中最好用的美股交易平台thinkorswim。
Thinkorswim is a premiere, feature-rich, downloadable software platform. This is the one you've probably heard about. The one that made everyone thinkorswim.
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App Store 上的“thinkorswim: Buy. Sell. Trade.”
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Reviewed against 15 other online brokers, TD Ameritrade was named #1 Overall Broker in the 2019 Online Broker Review and received several industry awards, including #1 "Trader App" for TD Ameritrade Mobile Trader―also known as thinkorswim Mobile. *TD Ameritrade Network is brought to you by TD Ameritrade Media Productions Company.
TD Ameritrade交易与教育执行副总裁Steve Quirk说:“我们的零售交易员期望获得最佳的交易体验,他们应该能够在任何设备上访问该交易。 Thinkorswim Web提供了thinkorswim的最广泛使用的功能,旨在完善在桌面,Web或移动设备上的thinkorswim体验。 TD Ameritrade为thinkorswim平台添加战略工具 美国TD Ameritrade控股公司(AMTD)旗下的一家经纪自营分公司TD Ameritrade宣布为其thinkorswim®专业的交易平台添加一项名为“Strategy Roller™”的新功能。 该新功能使零售交易者能够通过用户自定义设置,自动运行他们现有的期权持仓量。 TD Ameritrade交
TD Ameritrade推出基于Web的thinkorswim平台版本
美股新手必备利器(也就是常用网站啦) 1、券 … 1、券商第一理财):总部位于纽约的美国本土券商,老板是华人,所以中文服务做得不错,适合英文不太好的国内美股投资者。网页链接:美国盈透证券,适合投资经验比较丰富的美股投资者,相对来说不太适合新手。网页链接 App Store 上的“thinkorswim: Buy. Sell. Trade.”